Japan provides annual funding contribution to support delivery on PALM 9 priorities

Media Releases and News
06 July 2022

The Forum Secretariat’s engagement with Japan to deliver on PALM 9 priorities is being supported through an annual contribution of USD 39,911 from the Government of Japan.

Japan’s 2022 contribution will be used to strengthen engagement and partnership between the Pacific Islands Forum and Japan to implement decisions from the PALM 9 meeting held in July 2021, including COVID-19 response and recovery, sustainable oceans based on the rule of law, climate change and disaster resilience, strengthening foundations for sustainable and resilient economic development, and people-to-people exchanges and human resource development.

The funding will support preparations for the fifth PALM meeting of Japan and Pacific Foreign Ministers, to be held in 2023 in the Pacific region, and other high-level engagements including the Forum’s participation at the Osaka Expo partner meeting in September 2022.

Japan is a Forum Dialogue Partner and key development partner to the Pacific Islands region. The PALM dialogue, established in 1997, is a leading example of high-level partner dialogue with the Pacific Islands Forum.