Pacific Island Countries Welcome South Korea's Increased Support for Regional Cooperation

Media Releases and News
07 October 2015

The 3rd Korea-Pacific Islands Senior Officials’ Meeting on 6 October in Seoul, welcomed the Republic of Korea’s increased support for the ROK-Pacific Islands Forum Cooperation Fund for 2015-2017. Korea has increased support from US$ 0.5 million to US$ 1 million per year for jointly agreed regional initiatives. Currently the Fund supports the Pacific Islands Climate Prediction Services Project, jointly implemented by SPREP and the APEC Climate Centre for the period 2014 - 2016. “We appreciate Korea’s assistance for this project and encourage efforts for funding sustainability and additional capacity building,” said Samoan Ambassador to China, Mr Tapusalaia Toomata. The new funding phase (2015-2017) will address marine and fisheries issues, which were identified as an important priority at the recent 46th Pacific Island Forum Meeting in Port Moresby. In particular, Korea will work with the region to contribute to addressing the issues of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing as well as marine pollution control through monitoring, control and surveillance using remote sensing technologies. “Monitoring of IUU fishing is particularly important in the high seas,” said Honourable Fisa Pihigia, Member of Parliament from Niue. This sentiment was echoed by other Pacific island country officials. The new project will be implemented by the Forum Fisheries Agency as lead technical agency, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and in partnership with the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology. The Korea-Pacific Islands Forum Cooperation Fund, established in 2008, is an initiative between the Forum Secretariat and the Government of Korea to support regional capacity building oriented projects and programmes, to be implemented through cooperation and collaboration between technical agencies from the Pacific region and the Republic of Korea. For media enquiries, please contact, for additional information about the ROK-PIF Cooperation Fund click here