Pacific Island Leaders to meet to advance Pacific Regionalism

Media Releases and News
02 May 2014

Pacific Leaders are convening in Rarotonga on Monday to discuss their vision for advancing regionalism. On the agenda will be their strategy for strong political leadership to drive collective policy positions, manage shared resources, and support initiatives that contribute to sustainable, equitable development. 

The Special Leaders Retreat on May 5th will focus on the call by former Papua New Guinea prime minister, the Rt. Hon. Sir Mekere Morauta, to reinvigorate the current strategy—the Pacific Plan. In his review of the Plan in 2013, Sir Mekere proposed a pathway towards increasing integration and a process for focusing efforts on the region’s top priorities. He emphasised the crucial role of Leaders in driving this process. 

The review consulted widely around the region with Pacific Island governments, civil society, the private sector, and academia to hear their perspectives on regionalism. Leaders will be considering the resulting Review recommendations, such as deepening the effective engagement and involvement of a broad range of actors in regional policy development and implementation. ends