Pacific Leaders Appoint Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism

Media Releases and News
01 April 2015

Acting on behalf of Pacific Island Forum Leaders, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) announced the appointment of eight representatives from across the region to the new Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism (SSCR). The Sub-committee was set up at the request of Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at their Special Retreat in Cook Islands in May 2014 and at their annual Forum in Palau in July 2014. The Specialist Sub-Committee for Regionalism was selected by a Forum Troika panel of three officials, nominated by Palau, Marshall Islands and Papua New Guinea, representing the current, former and in-coming Forum Chairs respectively. The Sub-committee plays a key role in implementing the Framework for Pacific Regionalism, adopted by the Pacific Island leaders, by identifying and assessing regional initiatives for consideration by Pacific Island Leaders at their annual forum. The eight members of the Specialist Sub-Committee will meet on 13-14 April in Suva to discuss their terms of reference; familiarise themselves with the Framework for Pacific Regionalism; and meet with key stakeholders.

 Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, which implements the mandates of the Pacific leaders, said “the Sub-committee’s work is vital in shaping the future Pacific regional agenda. This committee is tasked with identifying truly game-changing initiatives to transform the region, which will be put to Leaders for their consideration”. Secretary General Taylor saw the work of Specialist Sub-committee for Regionalism as a significant improvement in the way development is considered and implemented in the region: "The Sub-committee's work is a key part of the Framework for Pacific Regionalism and represents a shift in the development paradigm in our region – to one where our Leaders will be positioned to determine the agenda and priorities for our region”. The eight SSCR members are: Melanesia - Mr. Leonard Louma (PNG), Micronesia - Mr. Gustav Aitaro (Palau), Polynesia - Mr. Lopeti Senituli (Tonga), Australia/New Zealand - Mr John Davidson (Australia), Smaller Island States -Ms. Teresa Manarangi-Trott (Cook Islands), Civil Society - Mr. William Kostka (FSM), Private Sector - Mr. Peter Kiely (NZ), Chair - Dame Meg Taylor, DBE (PIFS). -Ends- 

Background Information: About the Framework for Pacific Regionalism: Mandated by Pacific Island Leaders at their annual Forum in July 2014. It articulates the vision, values and objectives of an invigorated Pacific–wide regionalism, and positions Pacific Islands Leaders to make game-changing decisions about the agenda and priorities for the Pacific region. About the Pacific Islands Forum: A political grouping of 16 independent and self-governing states. Its Secretariat (PIFS) is based in Suva, Fiji, to deliver on the decisions made at the annual Forum Leaders meetings and high level ministerial meetings. PIFS is led by the Secretary General (currently Dame Meg Taylor of Papua New Guinea) who is directly responsible to the Forum Leaders and to the Forum Officials’ Committee (FOC). PIFS is mandated to coordinate the implementation of the Framework for Pacific Regionalism. For more information, please contact: Joel Nilon Framework for Pacific Regionalism Adviser E: T: +679 331 2600 For media enquiries, please contact