Release: New Pacific E-commerce Committee to strengthen regional trade

Media Releases and News
03 December 2022

Forumsec, SUVA, Dec 2, 2022—A significant step for e-commerce governance in the Pacific was taken today, with the inaugural meeting of the Pacific E-commerce Committee held virtually across the Pacific. The meeting has formally marked the creation of a forum group to accelerate e-commerce readiness in the Pacific.

The virtual event brought together national e-commerce focal points and officials from all the Forum members, as well as development partners. The Committee will coordinate and monitor implementation of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap and bring together key regional stakeholders in the e-commerce space.

The Pacific Islands Forum Director Programmes and Initiatives, Zarak Khan, welcomed the pivotal role of the Committee and called for its continuous support.

“The Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy proposes 54 regional measures-- in today’s meeting, we implemented one of them, namely the establishment of this very committee,” he said.

“With over 50 regional measures to be implemented and ambitious goals to be achieved, there is indeed a need for a forum where member countries, donor partners and implementing agencies can discuss, monitor, and coordinate e-commerce developments and opportunities in the Pacific.”

The meeting approved the terms of reference for the Committee and welcomed the first monitoring and evaluation report on implementation of the regional strategy as well as progress by members to develop their national ecosystems. The meeting also agreed to establish two sub-committees to strengthen its inclusiveness and effectiveness– one for the private sector and one for development partners.

Welcoming the initiative, Niue Head of Economic Planning, Development and Trade, Frank Sioneholo, said, “bringing together key e-commerce players as have we done will improve coherence and coordination of our efforts to promote an enabling digital environment for our businesses.”

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled in the second quarter of 2023.

More information on the Pacific E-commerce Strategy.
