Remarks and Speeches
01 October 2022






  • The Honourable Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo, Minister for Commerce, Industry and Labour
  • Her Excellency, Emily Luck, Australian High Commissioner to Samoa
  • Distinguished Senior Government Officials
  • Distinguished representatives from regional and international organisations
  • Ladies and Gentlemen



Talofa Lava, Bula Vinaka and good evening!

It is a pleasure to join you this evening for the Launching of Samoa’s E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap. My thanks to the Government of Samoa for this opportunity to participate in this special occasion.

[2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the Pacific Regional Ecommerce Strategy and Roadmap]

E-commerce is an important priority for all of us in the region. It is aligned to the Technology and Connectivity thematic area of the Blue Pacific 2050 Strategy approved by our Pacific leaders. It is also reflected as a priority under the Pacific Aid for Trade Strategy (PAfTS) 2020-2025. In August 2021, our Pacific Trade Ministers approved the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap. The Secretariat has since supported and coordinated its implementation, including by supporting the development of harmonized National E-commerce Strategies for Forum Island Countries.

[Samoa National E-commerce Strategy]

The Secretariat, with financing support from Australia, is very proud to have contributed to the development of the Samoa’s E-commerce Strategy. PIFS has worked closely with the Government and its Partners to direct the work of our consultants so that the Samoa E-commerce Strategy is of a high-quality and aligns with model established by the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap. This will not only provide consistency across the region but will also give Samoa access to a range of tools and support available from our Partners during the implementation stage. I wish to congratulate the Government of Samoa and all stakeholders involved for the successful completion of this Strategy and Roadmap.

[Covid19 recovery and implementation]

While the pandemic phases out, the potential of e-commerce remains unaffected because consumer preferences have shifted on a permanent basis as a result of COVID-19. Samoa’s E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap is a timely opportunity to accelerate economic recovery, promote resilience and inclusive trade development.

[Regional work]

At regional level, the Secretariat complements its support to Samoa through a suite of regional products including the Pacific E-commerce Portal, the Pacific E-commerce Dataset, the online course on E-commerce Disciplines for Policy Makers​, and its brand-new series of Business Toolkits for Pacific Businesses - including the three toolkits recently developed for Samoa. We are looking forward to continuing expanding the suit of our services to respond to the demand of our members and the directions of the Pacific Regional E-commerce Strategy and Roadmap.


To conclude, I wish to reiterate PIFS support to the implementation of Samoa’s Strategy. In line with the Regional E-commerce Strategy, the Secretariat will soon establish the Pacific E-commerce Committee and convene its first meeting by end of year. The committee will draw together Partners, Agencies and Members to discuss e-commerce challenges and opportunities,  including to monitor the implementation of National E-commerce Strategies and identify areas of possible cooperation. I look forward to having Samoa join us at the event. As one of the leading few to adopt its National E-commerce Strategy, your e-commerce development experiences would serve as an inspiration to the rest of the Pacific family.

With those words, I thank you and wish you all the best for the launch.