REMARKS: ASG Esala Nayasi at the Global Coalition for Social Justice
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- REMARKS: ASG Esala Nayasi At The Global Coalition For Social Justice
Remarks by Mr. Esala Nayasi, Acting Secretary General
The Global Coalition For Social Justice
24 April 2024
· Honorable Labour Ministers
· ILO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Ms. Chihoko ASADA-MIYAKAWA
· ILO Director, Office of the Pacific Island Countries, Mr. Martin Wandera
· Employer and Worker representatives
· Regional and International Organizations representatives
· Esteemed Excellencies and Senior Officials,
· Ladies and gentlemen.
· Bula Vinaka and warm greetings to you all. Your Secretariat is grateful to collaborate with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in convening this High-Level Tripartite Dialogue.
· The Secretariat acknowledges the invite sent by ILO to join the Global Coalition for Social Justice that was established by your Governing Body during its last session in November.
· We are pleased to announce that the Secretariat will be part of the coalition noting that it permits us to leverage on the power of social dialogue or talanoa and tripartism as an effective means of advancing social justice in a sustainable manner.
· In particular, themes identified such as inequality, recognizing labour rights as human rights, expanding access to and capabilities for productive and freely chosen employment and sustainable enterprise amongst others resonate to our 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.
· Joining the Global Coalition will generate mutual benefits such as increased visibility at the global level of our regional initiatives; new opportunities and partnerships established by new networks, complemented national and regional efforts towards the achievements of SDG commitments and; increased scale and impact of national initiatives as the Coalition will provide an opportunity for collective action to achieve greater outcomes.
· Let me take this opportunity also to congratulate Australia and Fiji to join the Coalition and would kindly encourage the Membership to consider joining subject to your respective national processes.
· As your Secretariat, let me reiterate that we are committed to coordinate and facilitate the timely and effective implementation of the objectives of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, including taking note of the inaugural Forum planned for 13 June 2024.
· With these few remarks I thank you for your attention.
· Vinaka
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