REMARKS: Climate Resilience for Business Sustainability training programme

Remarks and Speeches
09 February 2023

Remarks delivered virtually by Acting Secretary General – Dr. Filimon Manoni

addressing successful finalists of the 'Climate Resilience for Business Sustainability training programme'


On behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, I convey our congratulations and warm greetings to you, our Private Sector stakeholders who have been able to secure and make the most of this opportunity.

I also acknowledge the presence of our partner – the European Union - who is generously supporting this capacity building initiative through the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience (PACRES) project.

This project prioritizes strengthened engagement of the private sector with government and across our development efforts.

On the whole, our region recognizes the critical role that the private sector plays in building the resilience of communities in the Pacific, and building on this, the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent emphasizes that we work as a collective as countries and stakeholders - including the private sector.

In 2022, Forum Economic Ministers emphasized the need for all of us to strengthen our economies, particularly in the post-COVID era. And as part of this they highlighted the key role that the private sector must play in this.

The development of the training module is an outcome of a survey led by our PACRES team in PIFS, that sought to understand your needs as private sector in the context of better understanding climate change impacts and in the process, improve your engagement with the sectors that you operate in.

In essence, it is an effort to tailor these modules to fit your needs. I hope the course meets your needs and expectations, and I encourage you to make an effort to complete the full course. I also take this opportunity to acknowledge USP Pacific TAFE, and our working partnership that has allowed the translation of needs as expressed by the private sector across the region to tangible and deliverable modules.

It is never too late to stop learning, and with all that is happening in the world today, learning for adaption to key challenges is critical. For you, our Private Sector colleagues, you will continue to be an important part of our resilient development efforts going forward.

This capacity building initiative aims to provide you with some key tools to strengthen your contribution to national and regional resilience building efforts. And given that over 300 applications were received, it is my sincere hope that those of you here make the most of this opportunity.

In closing, allow me to reiterate my appreciation to our partners, the European Union and USP Pacific TAFE, and I congratulate you again, our participants and wish you all the best as you undertake these important courses.

Vinaka vakalevu.