REMARKS: DSG Nayasi at opening of 2023 Forum Economic Officials Meeting

Remarks and Speeches
08 August 2023

Opening Remarks

Esala Nayasi, Deputy Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum

Forum Economic Officials Meeting, PIF HQ - Suva, Fiji


Secretary Garth Henderson, Chair of the Forum Economic Officials Meeting;

Excellencies and Senior Economic Officials of our Forum Member States;

Representatives of our CROP agencies;

Ladies and Gentlemen

1. Bula vinaka to you all and a warm welcome to the Secretariat for this session of the Forum

Economic Officials Meeting.

2. Allow me to also join the Chair in thanking the Ministry of Finance and Economic

Management of the Government of Vanuatu for its leadership and chairing of the Forum Economic

Officials meeting over the past year.

3. On that same note, allow me to also congratulate Secretary Henderson on his assumption

of the Chair and I and the team here at the Secretariat look forward to working with you over the

next year to progress the decisions of our Forum Economic Ministers.

4. Excellencies and Senior Officials, we have a comprehensive agenda before us.

5. I am pleased that through our discussions yesterday, we have considered the concerns and

issues that Members want the Secretariat to take note of, moving forward. As discussed yesterday,

there is a need for us to rationalise, prioritise and streamline our deliverables.

6. We have heard the concerns on the proliferation of regional strategies and frameworks and

the need to focus on implementation of existing policies. We have also discussed the need to see

the clear alignment between national development plans and regional policies, including the

regional governance framework which we hope the Review of the Regional Architecture will


7. We take on board the capacity constraints at national level, in particular in our Smaller

Island States. Further, the need to strengthen engagement at the national level to ensure stronger

visibility and awareness of the 2050 Strategy in-country.

8. Please be reassured that these issues will be taken into account in the shaping of the

Implementation Plan of the 2050 Strategy, the Review of the Regional Architecture, the Pacific

Roadmap for Economic Development and other regional policies.

9. For us as a Secretariat, these are important discussions for us to take note of in the

formulation of our Strategic Plan.

10. Indeed, your discussions today provide a platform to shape some of the key initiatives

currently being progressed by the region. These are your collective policies and mechanisms. Its

effectiveness will depend on how we can work together to shape and develop these instruments in

a manner that will best address your needs. I am hopeful that we will use this meeting today as an

opportunity for a robust exchange on these key initiatives.

11. As already alluded too by the Chair, we are at an unprecedented time in our history and we

leverage an unprecedented amount of strategic interest. It is absolutely vital that we have the right

instruments and mechanisms in place to support us in capitalising on this strategic interest to

deliver for our people. As a collective, we can explore innovative solutions and opportunities that

will drive positive change and improve the overall well-being of our Pacific peoples.

12. As we look further into the future, we must not lose sight of the challenges that confront

us today. Rather they should frame how best we can build resilient and stronger economies into

the future.

13. Excellencies, Senior Officials, I encourage you all to proactively participate and engage in

the discussions today, so that we develop a solid set of recommendations for our Ministers

consideration in the coming days.

14. On this note, I wish you all successful deliberations and I look forward to the outcomes of

the meeting.

Vinaka vakalevu.