RMI: Stakeholders discuss ways to revitalise Leaders gender equality declaration

Media Releases and News
01 April 2023

31 March, 2023-- The Pacific Islands Forum Gender Specialist, Dr. Fiona Hukula, is in Majuro this week working with the Marshall Islands government and civil society stakeholders as part of national visits to breathe new life into the Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration (PLGED).

Almost a decade after Leaders endorsed it in the Cook Islands in 2012, a review of the Gender Equality Declaration in 2021 found visibility and ownership of the declaration must be strengthened if we want to achieve an equal and equitable Pacific.

Feedback from the current consultations will shape the focus and governance of a revitalised PLGED as a potential umbrella for gender equality actions across the region. A revitalised PLGED will ensure stronger relevance. It will link regional efforts back to national priorities for gender equality and social inclusion across the Pacific, and most of all, it will be grounded in the values and ambitions of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific continent.--ForumNews