UNGA78: Climate action, not more promises- FSM President Simina to 78th UN General Assembly

Remarks and Speeches
22 September 2023

United Nations General Assembly 78th session

Agenda item 8: General Debate

Statement by President Wesley W. Simina

New York, 21 September 2023



Mr. President,

Mr. Secretary-General,


At the outset, I congratulate you, Mr. President, on your election as President of the 78

of the UN General Assembly. I assure you of

every confidence that you will be successful in leading the Gene

conclusion. I’d also like to express our appreciation to your distinguished predecessor, H.E.

Csaba Kőrösi, for his service to the General Assembly

Antonio Guterres for his bold and vision

these challenging times.

Mr. President,

We have just come out of the COVID

diminished; but rather, we have faced a number of intersecting crises

From the adverse impacts of climate change to the decline in the health of our Ocean. From

sustainable development to peace and security

perspective of a Pacific Small Island Developing State; but I also want t

opportunities. I will start with Climate Change.

Climate Change Crisis

Mr. President,

In 2015, the same year in which this body adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development, the international community also adopted the landmark Paris Agreement on

climate change. Though far from perfect, the Paris Agreement represents a key tool to combat

the climate crisis. The adoption of the Paris Agreement marked a high point of multilateralism,

similar to this body’s adoption of the 2030 Agenda.

Unfortunately, the international community has not done nearly enough to get us on track to

limiting the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. One need only scan the

news on any random day to see the evidence of the climate crisis in devastating effects around

the world today.

Loss and damage caused by the climate crisis is accumulating every day in Micronesia, and it

will continue to worsen at a faster pace as tipping points are reached. As the Secretary-General

recently stated, we are now in an era of “global boiling.”

We need a fast-acting mandatory approach which should be modeled on the Montreal Protocol

on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the best environmental agreement ratified by every

UN member state. We should use this work-horse treaty – the little engine that could – as a

model for a new agreement to cut methane, the blowtorch pushing the planet from global

warming to global boiling.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tells us that current nationally determined

contributions under the Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, will still lead to over 2 degrees

Celsius of warming by the end of this century, with 3 degrees Celsius being a distinct

possibility. This is an existential threat for my country and many other small island developing

States. And yet, major emitters, including from the developing world, have yet to commit to

updating their nationally determined contributions as part of this global stocktake in order to get

us on a 1.5 degrees Celsius track.

This week, I joined my fellow Leaders in the High Ambition Coalition on Climate Change in

issuing a statement with a strong call for action. In line with the statement, Micronesia strongly

implores all Parties to the Paris Agreement – particularly major emitters from the developed and

developing world – to commit by COP28 to major reductions of emissions of at least half by

2030, with peaking of emissions by 2025, and peg their net zero goals to no later than 2050, in

line with the recommendations of the IPCC. As part of this effort, countries should eliminate the

emissions of methane, HFCs, and other short-lived climate pollutants from their industrial

products and activities, which altogether could result in the avoidance of at least 0.5 degree

Celsius of global warming.

While Micronesia has negligible global emissions, it has bold ambitions to limit its emissions.

Through our NDC Strategy, by 2030 we aim to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity

generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels. By 2050 Micronesia will achieve ‘net zero’.

This bold pledge will result in a healthier, happier and climate resilient island nation.

The climate crisis is indeed impacting health security, food security, water security, economic

security and peace security. It is without a doubt, an existential threat. We reiterate our call for

the appointment of a Special Representative for Climate and Security to address these threats.

We also call for the full operationalization of the new Loss & Damage Fund at COP 28, in order

to equip those who are most affected by climate change to deal with the ongoing loss and

damage impacts that are faced every day. It is time for those most responsible for climate change

to put your money where your mouth is, for the cost of not doing so, is far greater than what

could ever be quantified.

Additionally, Micronesia is proud to announce that we have recently adopted an amendment to

our national constitution that recognizes the right of our people to a healthy environment. As

custodians of our natural heritage, we adopted the amendment in part to underscore that this right

is a general principle of international law applicable to all States, including major contributors to

the climate crisis. We need all available tools to fight the climate crisis, including those provided

to us under international law.

For this reason, Micronesia is proud to have been a member of the core group of countries that

advocated for the adoption by this body of a resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the

International Court of Justice on obligations of States and consequences under international law

in relation to climate change.

Countries like mine, and people like mine, ARE the frontlines of climate change. But we don’t

need more promises. What we need is action. For promises to turn into policy and for policy to

turn into proactive steps towards real solutions. As islanders, resilience is in our DNA, but let me

remind you that our resilience is not a placeholder for continued inaction.


Mr. President,

As a Big Ocean State, we recognize one clear truth: the Ocean is suffering from multiple

stressors. It is the duty of the international community to address the sources of those stressors

for the sake of present and future generations of humankind, as well as for the sake of the Ocean


SDG 14 would not have been included in the 2030 Agenda if not for the sustained advocacy of

Micronesia and other small island developing States, particularly from the Pacific. By the same

token, the recent adoption of the BBNJ Agreement would not have been possible without the key

contributions of Pacific small island developing States like Micronesia.

As Micronesia had actively engaged in the negotiation of the BBNJ Agreement, it is also

committed to implementing it. This is why I am honored to have been the first Head of State

to sign the BBNJ Agreement, which I did yesterday on behalf of Micronesia. I urge members

of the UN and other world leaders to sign and ratify the Agreement, and also urge for the full

implementation of SDG14 as soon as possible.

We also commit to doing our part in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity

Framework, including with respect to the establishment of marine protected areas and similar

measures for at least 30 percent of the global Ocean by 2030. Our work on the Micronesia

Challenge, Blue Prosperity Micronesia and similar initiatives in our part of the world already

contribute to that effort.

Sustainable Development

Mr. President,

The 2030 Agenda is at its half-way point. We are not on track on a number of issues. I have

already pronounced myself in more detail at the SDG Summit. But we also have opportunities.

We have just completed preparatory meetings for the Fourth International Conference on SIDS.

We expect the outcome of the Conference to be concise, action oriented, yet address our most

pressing needs in partnership with the international community, including how internet

connectivity can change life in the islands, by making telemedicine and remote learning available

at every outlying island; and how transportation can be more sustainable if your only means of

transport are boats. It is my hope that practical action will flow from the Conference, including to

support the implementation of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

Gender Equality

Mr. President,

Micronesia is a proud matrilineal society, where our clans, lineage, and land control are mainly

passed down from generation to generation through women. This symbolizes the powerful role

of women in our culture and society. Yet we recognize that historically women have had

difficulty in attaining roles in leadership and decision making in government.

So Mr. President and Secretary General, I am pleased to report that finally, finally, there are

women members currently serving in our national congress. And in my own administration I am

committed to putting more women into leadership and decision making positions while

continuing to meaningfully consult and engage women on matters of national importance, in

order to strive for a more inclusive and equal Micronesia.

Ukraine War

Mr. President,

Traditional threats to peace and security persist, making the principles of the UN all the more

valuable to uphold. This is why Micronesia stands in solidarity with Ukraine and supports its

independence within its internationally recognized borders. We also urge all Member States to

cooperate to urgently address the adverse impacts of the war in Ukraine on food security, energy,

and finance, including in small island developing States like my own that are vulnerable to such

impacts. We must find ways to put an end to this illegal war which continues to erode the

credibility and integrity of this premier international body and the principles enshrined in its

Charter we all agree to support.

UN Security Council Reform

Mr. President,

This brings me to a related and most crucial point, the reform of the UN Security Council, which

was put in place almost 80 years ago. The Security Council has become archaic and ineffective

in addressing security challenges of our contemporary world, which are much more complicated,

interlocking and interconnected, including the worsening and devastating impacts of climate

change. As the Secretary General mentioned in his opening statement, “The world has changed.

But our institutions have not.” Fellow leaders, the time for that change, is now.

The geopolitical dynamics that we face demand that we embrace change and adapt to the

realities and dynamics of the 21st Century. Permanent membership of the Security Council must

be expanded to include Japan, India, Germany and others; and non-permanent membership

should be expanded as well, including a stand alone seat for small island developing States.

These changes are needed in order to enhance the legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness of the

Council. The time for Security Council reform is now.


Mr. President, in closing,

More than ever in the history of the United Nations, we urgently need to live up to our name, and

fortify unity among nations, for the challenges of our time demands it of us. Our global

community is interconnected; and interdependence among nations is reality. And so, no

challenge can be solved by any one country or community alone. We must admit that we all

need each other.

And so in addressing these challenges, we must remember that people lie at the heart of every

solution – both as a driver and as a benefactor. As a global community we all gather here within

these walls, because despite it all, we still believe that we can do better. We still have the

audacity to reimagine a more just, safe and prosperous world that is worthy of the next


I thank you for listening.--ENDS