RELEASE: PIF Leaders Renew Commitment to Gender Equality in the Pacific Region

Media Releases and News
24 November 2023

24 November 2023

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at their 52nd meeting in Cook Islands endorsed the revitalised Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration (PLGED) renewing their commitment to gender equality and broader social inclusion priorities.

The revitalised PLGED looks to action gender equality and social inclusion commitments towards achieving the Leaders 2050 Strategy vision through reinvigorated political will.

Ahead of COP 28  to be held from 30 November – 12 December 2023, the PLGED reaffirms that climate change and disasters, including nuclear contamination, have a disproportionate impact on women and girls in all their diversity, particularly women and girls with disabilities and women and girls living in rural, remote, and maritime areas.

Leaders recognize that the 1.5degrees Celsius goal, or any other goal, will not be achieved without the full contribution of all sectors of the society.

The revitalised PLGED  reflects a broader focus that considers current regional and national contexts and priorities including the seven thematic areas of the 2050 Strategy based on the results of the consultation and alignment to the 2050 Strategy, the focus areas  incorporates the original six areas of the Declaration, and the Beijing Platform for Action (BPA) plus the additional Pacific specific critical areas of culture and disability as reflected in the Pacific Platform for Action (PPA).

It also recognises the responsibility and importance of both men and women (and girls and boys) in working towards achieving the Leaders 2050 vision.

The revitalised PLGED will have an implementation and monitoring plan and a high-level governance mechanism through the annual PIFWLM to ensure high level oversight, accountability, and reporting for Leaders’ visibility.

Consultations were done in all Forum member countries and a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society organizations, private sector, youth, and academics.